Religious Education (CCD)

Grades 1st through 12th

About The Child

Sacraments Completed: Please check all that apply:

Medical, Allergies, Learning, Physical

Head of the Family
Name of Spouse
About The Family
Office Use Only

Emergency contact: Please complete the following authorization form with the names of contacts who will be contacted, if parents/guardians cannot be located. You authorize St. Louis Catholic Church to transport child to an emergency room in the event of accident or sickness. Parents are responsible for all the medical expenses incurred during emergencies.

List two (2) persons in order of priority:

List the names of all authorized persons who'll pick up your child on class days

Parents/Guardians are responsible to notify us of any changes to this information.

Protecting God’s Children – Teaching Safety

As caring adults, we have the great responsibility of ensuring the safety of children and youth. Research based and evidence informed, the Archdiocese’s Empowering God’s Children® is an age-appropriate comprehensive program through which Lesson Leaders (teachers, catechists, youth ministers, etc.) and parents, partner to give children and youth the tools they need to protect themselves and know what to do if someone tries to violate their boundaries.

Each year, the program provides a theme that introduces and builds on the basic concepts of the Teaching Boundaries and Safety Guide. The material is developmentally appropriate for each age group and includes content and activities that reinforce the message.

Materials for Parents are available in the Rel Ed Office and at



Tuition is Due at Time of Registration.

  • Registration - $200.00
  • Each additional child - $150.00

I agree to the policies set forth by the St. Louis Religious Education Program and the Archdiocese of Miami. I understand that all policies, whether written or verbal are subject to change at the sole discretion of the Program. A copy of the Policies and Procedures Here.