Ministry Directory

Altar Linen Ministry

It is an honor and privilege to launder the linens used on the altar during Mass. Purificators are small pieces of linen used to wipe the Communion Cups. Every Monday morning three women (or men) pick up a bag containing approximately 40 purificators each.

They take them home, wash, iron and fold these purificators and return them to St. Louis by Thursday. You are on a schedule; and your turn comes up once every three months. If you like to wash and iron this ministry is for you!

Altar Server

The Altar Server Ministry offers boys and girls, 10 years of age and older, the chance to get closer to the Lord and to represent the community at liturgies.

Training on two Saturdays in September will equip you to perform this special function. Each altar server is assigned to one or two Masses each month.

Monaguillos (Servidores del Altar)

Al monaguillo también se le llama servidor del altar, que significa el que acompaña o sigue. El ministerio de los monaguillos les ofrece la oportunidad a niños y niñas entre las edades de 10 y 17, de desempeñarse como servidores del altar, estar más cerca de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y representar a la comunidad en las Liturgias.

El monaguillo debe reunir ciertas condiciones o características:

Estar bautizado, haber recibido los sacramentos de Penitencia y Primera Comunión. Debe tener interés por participar activamente en las celebraciones religiosas donde asisten al sacerdote, no tan sólo en la misa, sino también en bodas, y cuando la ocasión lo requiera. Participan en un entrenamiento de dos semanas que los prepara para llevar a cabo esta función tan especial. Cada monaguillo será asignado a lo menos una Misa por mes y se entrena en las diferentes ceremonias litúrgicas.


Una oportunidad para que las parejas casadas pasen juntos un fin de semana íntimo y romántico. Al seguir los “Once pasos para un matrimonio mejor”, las parejas enriquecen su relación con el Señor y entre sí mientras conocen a otras familias de St. Louis.

El fin de semana se lleva a cabo en St. Louis y los participantes regresan a casa para dormir. A las parejas se les ofrecerá un programa opcional de seguimiento en grupos pequeños.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

The ministers of Communion have a special role in serving God and the Faith Community of St. Louis. After completing a training program, candidates are commissioned by the Archdiocese of Miami to serve the parish family.

Eucharistic Ministers serve at Saturday and Sunday Masses, Holy Days of Obligation and on special occasions such as First Communion and Confirmation. Ministers are scheduled to serve at specific Masses where they assist the priest in distribution the Body and Blood of Christ.

The requirements to become a Eucharistic Minister are:

  • (1) to be registered in the parish for at least one year or have been actively involved in another ministry and
  • (2) be approved by the Pastor.

Ministros extraordinarios de santa communión

Los Ministros extraordinarios de santa communión tienen un papel muy especial en la vida parroquial. Después de completar un programa de entrenamiento, los candidatos son comisionados por el Parroco para servir a las familias de la parroquia llevándoles la Comunión a sus hogares. El Arzobispo quiere que toda persona que no pueda asistir a Misa, bien sea por corto o largo plazo (entiéndase enfermos, accidentados, o aquellas personas que cuidan de ellos), tengan la oportunidad de recibir el Cuerpo de Cristo una vez a la semana.

Los requisitos para ser candidatos elegibles:

  • El/la candidato/a debe estar inscrito en la parroquia por lo menos un año o el/la candidato/a debe estar activo envuelto en otro ministerio.
  • Deben de entrevistarse y ser aprobados por el párroco.


As Liturgical Ministers, Lectors share their talents by presenting the Word of God daily, Sunday and at special liturgies of our parish. Lectors are chosen through audition, and read once a month on average.

They gather as a community at workshops and events designed to search the deeper meaning of God’s Word. Our goal is to proclaim the Word to those attending Mass in a manner of thanksgiving and praise to God for the gift of His Word.


Como Ministros Litúrgicos, los Lectores comparten su talento con la Comunidad al presentar la Palabra de Dios en las Misas diarias, dominicales o en eventos litúrgicos especiales. Los Lectores se escogen en audición y son designados para leer, en promedio, una vez al mes. Su meta es proclamar la Palabra de Dios a los asistentes a la Misa, en forma tal, que el mensaje sea entendido por todos, a la vez en acción de gracias y alabanza a Dios por el don de Su Palabra.

Liturgy, Sunday Sacristans, Special Events, Holidays

This ministry assists the parish with the Sunday liturgy, sacristans, special events, and liturgical holidays. All of these events require additional help and volunteers.

Liturgia, Sacristán Dominical, Eventos Especiales, Días Festivos

Este ministerio asiste a la parroquia con la liturgia dominicales, sacristanes, eventos especiales y días en las liturgias de los dias festivos. Todos estos eventos requieren ayuda adicional y voluntarios.

Music Ministry

Our St. Louis Music Ministry is a group of talented musicians dedicated to exalting God and helping the people of our parish worship and praise Him. The group helps celebrate all weekend liturgies, feast days, and special holy days through the year. If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, come for an audition. We are looking for drummers, guitarists, as well as bass players. Reading music is required.

For the glory of God, our St. Louis Music Ministry is a group of talented musicians dedicated to exalting God and helping the people of our parish worship and praise Him. The group helps celebrate all weekend liturgies, feast days, and special holy days through the year. If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, please contact Music Director, Juan Salazar.

Music Ministers, please click here for music access:


Sacristans, under the direction of the Head Sacristan, prepare for liturgical celebrations. Sacristans arrange and prepare everything needed for the Mass.


Los sacristánes, bajo la dirección del Sacristán Mayor, se preparan para las celebraciones litúrgicas. En particular, los sacristanes arreglan y preparan todo lo necesario para la Misa.


Ushers are men and women with a unique blend of love, compassion and friendliness in service to the community. They greet members of the congregation as they arrive for services; provide assistance during the Mass by gathering the collection; assist with the flow of people during Communion; handle all situations that may occur during the service, and hand out the bulletin and any other literature being distributed at the end of Mass.

Being an usher at Saint Louis offers an opportunity for you to be the face, hands and smile of Jesus to your brothers and sisters in an exceptional and fulfilling way. You become the gateway through which people enter into sacramental worship.


Los ujieres son hombres y mujeres con una combinación única de amor, compasión y amabilidad al servicio de la comunidad. Saludan a los miembros de la congregación cuando llegan para los servicios; prestar asistencia durante la Misa reuniendo la colecta; ayudar con el flujo de personas durante la Comunión; manejar todas las situaciones que puedan ocurrir durante el servicio, y entregar el boletín y cualquier otra literatura que se distribuya al final de la Misa.

Ser ujier en Saint Louis te ofrece la oportunidad de ser el rostro, las manos y la sonrisa de Jesús para tus hermanos y hermanas de una manera excepcional y satisfactoria. Te conviertes en la puerta de entrada a través de la cual las personas ingresan al culto sacramental.

Vocations Chalice

Sign up to host the Vocations Chalice in your home for one week and commit to praying for more vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and Religious life as a family.

To sign up, simply ask the Sacristan who the Vocation Chalice representative is for the mass of your choosing. On your designated weekend, the celebrant Priest will call up the volunteer family to receive the Vocation Chalice before the final blessing.

A prayer card is provided in both English and Spanish to help inspire personal prayer during family meal times. The Vocation Chalice is then returned the following weekend to the same mass representative it was received from; preferably at least 15 minutes prior to mass commencing as to prepare it for the next family.

We kindly ask each family to NOT remove the Vocation Chalice from its container. It’s extremely important to make sure we keep the integrity of the chalice itself.