Ministry Directory

Abraham y Sarah Ministerio

Ministerio que reúne mensualmente a personas de la Tercera Edad, con el propósito de motivarlos para mejorar sus comunicaciones espirituales como las humanas.

Alianza Matrimonial

Compuesto por parejas dedicadas a fomentar el bienestar de las familias hispanohablantes a través de mejorar la relacion entre los esposos, la familia y la comunidad.

La actividad más importante es el “Fin de Semana del Convenio”, un retiro de un fin de semana para todo tipo de parejas que conviven, en el cual se analiza profundamente la relación y la comunicación en el hogar.

BYOB (Bring Your Own Burdens)


Joseph Suarez - Leader

(305) 804-1722

Robert Fernandez - Ministry Head

(305) 458-2495


Every Tuesday from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 PM sharp.

BYOB is a ministry created for men. This brotherhood is where men can share with each other their experiences, strengths, hopes and challenges. Through this ministry men can become better husbands, fathers and friends. We have witnessed incredible blessings.

In person at St Louis Catholic Church in Mother Mary Room.

On Zoom Meeting ID 728 498 0118
Password 7777

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

Cadena de Oracion

La misión del Ministerio Cadena de Oración es orar por las necesidades de la parroquia, sus miembros y cualquier otra petición de oración. Si desea solicitar oraciones, comuníquese con Fabiana Kurlowicz al (786) 201-2277.

Caminando con Maria

Un grupo de oración enfocado en caminar con nuestra Santísima Madre en la vida.

Cenáculo Contemplativo de la Divina Misericordia

Nos reunimos en comunidad en Adoración y Recogimiento para Contemplar y Venerar la Imagen de Jesús de la Divina Misericordia. Con canciones, oraciones, rezando la coronilla y meditando el “Diario” la Divina Misericordia en mi alma, bajo la espiritualidad de St. Faustina, nos permitimos profundizar nuestra fe acercándonos con confianza a la fuente de la Misericordia de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

Centering Prayer

Centering prayer is a contemplative practice that can bring about profound spiritual growth. One of the values of this prayer is that you are giving God a chance to manifest Himself. It is a normal development of the grace of baptism.

Contemplative prayer is opening of the mind and heart — our whole being — to God, the Ultimate Mystery, beyond thoughts, words and emotions. We open our awareness to God, whom we know by faith is within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking—closer than consciousness itself. Contemplative prayer is a process of interior purification leading, if we consent, to divine union.

Emmaus Retreats

The Emmaus Retreat is given by lay people of the parish for lay people of the parish. It is a call to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ in our lives as Christians and members of a faith community – through prayer, sacrament, and through others.

It is meeting Jesus wherever one may be on their individual faith walk. There are four different modalities - Men’s and Women’s, in both English and Spanish. Notices of upcoming retreats are published in the parish bulletin.

Upcoming Dates:

Women's Emmaus Retreat April 11th – 13rd, 2025 Online Registration
Download Flyer

Retiros Emaús

El Retiro Emaús es dado por laicos de la parroquia para laicos de la parroquia. Es un llamado a encontrarnos con la Persona de Jesucristo en nuestras vidas como cristianos y miembros de una comunidad de fe, a través de la oración, los sacramentos y otros.

Es encontrarse con Jesús dondequiera que uno esté en su camino de fe individual. Hay cuatro modalidades diferentes - Hombres y Mujeres, tanto en inglés como en español. Los avisos de próximos retiros se publican en el boletín parroquial.

Fechas siguientes:

Emaús para Mujeres Mayo 2, 3 y 4, 2025 Registro en línea

Friends of Jesus and Mary

We are a prayer group for children of all ages that meet every week. Together we learn how to love, honor and adore God.

The Spirit of God lives in the children and works the fullness of His Grace. The group guides them to find the power of the Spirit within themselves and others and allow it to shine.

They also learn how to be an active member of the community of the church and to take part in it. We are a prayer group for children of all ages that meet every week. Together we learn how to love, honor and adore God. We pray the Holy Rosary, meditate the gospel readings of each week and take them to adore The Blessed Sacrament. All parents are welcome to attend. We are part of an apostolic Movement of the Archdioceses of Miami, The Florida Center for Peace.

Amigos de Jesús y María

Somos un grupo de oración para niños de todas las edades que nos reunimos todas las semanas. Juntos aprendemos a amar, honrar y adorar a Dios.

Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

"The Guard of Honor has its origins at Calvary, its foundation in the Wounded Heart of Jesus, its model in the first 'Guard of Honor': the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint John, and Saint Mary Magdalene. They were the ones who stood by the abandoned Cross when the Heart of Christ was pierced by the lance." – Guard of Honor Handbook

The Hour of Presence to the Heart of Jesus also known as the Guard of Honor of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is a universal, public Association of the Faithful. It's main goal is to console the wounded Heart of Jesus by offering Him a threefold homage of glory, love and reparation. The members choose one hour of the day to be attentive to the presence of Jesus.

It is not necessary to spend the Hour of Guard in prayer, nor in church. At their chosen hour, each member, without changing any of their usual occupations, place themselves in spirit at the foot of the tabernacle. There they offer to Jesus their thoughts, words, actions and sufferings, and above all their desire to console His divine Heart by their love.

La Guardia de Honor de la Sagrada Corazon de Jesus

"La Guardia de Honor tiene su origen en el Calvario, su fundamento en el Corazón Herido de Jesús, su modelo en la primera 'Guardia de Honor': la Santísima Virgen María, San Juan y Santa María Magdalena. Ellos fueron los que estuvieron junto a la Cruz abandonada cuando el Corazón de Cristo fue traspasado por la lanza." – Manual de la Guardia de Honor

La Hora de Presencia al Corazón de Jesús, también conocida como Guardia de Honor del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, es una Asociación de Fieles pública y universal. Su principal objetivo es consolar el Corazón herido de Jesús ofreciéndole un triple homenaje de gloria, amor y reparación. Los miembros eligen una hora del día para estar atentos a la presencia de Jesús.

No es necesario pasar la Hora de Guardia en oración, ni en la iglesia. A la hora elegida, cada miembro, sin cambiar ninguna de sus ocupaciones habituales, se sitúa en espíritu al pie del sagrario. Allí ofrecen a Jesús sus pensamientos, palabras, acciones y sufrimientos, y sobre todo su deseo de consolar su divino Corazón con su amor.

Grupo de Oración Fe y Esperanza

El grupo de Oración se formó para glorificar y adorar al Padre, por medio de Jesucristo, que nos invita a alabar y glorificar ; siendo el Espíritu Santo, el impulsor vivificante quien nos guía y enseña.

En él se comparte y se medita la Palabra y se dan testimonios personales, presentándose así un Dios vivo entre nosotros. Se hace oración comunitaria y personal y festejamos fechas bíblicas y personales con la finalidad de compartir como comunidad. El grupo se reúne los miércoles a las 7:00 pm, en la Capilla.

Para más información comuníquese con:
Jasmina Leon (786) 308-7973 | Melania Pichardo (305) 431-7486

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church.

Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life.

Legion of Mary

Members of the Legion of Mary are part of an international organization sanctioned by Holy Mother Church to perform liturgical (prayer) and corporal works of mercy through Auxiliary or Active membership.

Active membership includes visiting patients in hospitals and nursing homes; visiting prison inmates; feeding the poor and homeless; visiting the sick at homes; volunteering at hospice and promoting devotion to the Blessed Mother through parish events especially during the months of May and October; promoting the devotion to the Sacred Heart through consecration; and Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in homes of families who request it.

Auxiliary membership (praying) requires daily recitation of the Rosary and saying the Legion’s Prayer “The Catena.”

Legión de María

Los miembros de la Legión de María son parte de una organización internacional sancionada por la Santa Madre Iglesia para realizar obras de misericordia litúrgicas (oración) y corporales a través de la membresía Auxiliar o Activa.

La membresía activa incluye visitas a pacientes en hospitales y hogares de ancianos; visitar a los reclusos; alimentar a los pobres y desamparados; visitar a los enfermos en los hogares; ser voluntario en el hospicio y promover la devoción a la Santísima Madre a través de eventos parroquiales, especialmente durante los meses de mayo y octubre; promover la devoción al Sagrado Corazón a través de la consagración; y Entronización del Sagrado Corazón en los hogares de las familias que lo soliciten.

La membresía auxiliar (rezando) requiere el rezo diario del Rosario y el rezo de la Oración de la Legión “La Catena”.

Life in the Spirit Seminar

The seminar is offered within a weekend format beginning on a Friday night and culminating with Sunday mass. It is not a sleepover retreat but is usually held Pentecost weekend or the following weekend.

The focal point of the seminar is the awakening of charismatic gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit. Participants will learn how to deepen their relationship with the Holy Spirit, grow in faith and use their gifts for the building of God’s church.

The format consists of praise and worship, small group sharing, testimony through talks, the sacrament of confession, Baptism in the Spirit and a practicum on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

A Teen Life in the Spirit seminar is offered to high schoolers in March.

Friday night, a light snack will be provided. Saturday and Sunday, lunch and snacks are also provided.

Marriages in Victory

Marriages in Victory is an international Catholic lay movement and an apostolate of the Archdiocese of Miami for marriage enrichment.

Through the combination of Spanish and English language retreats and weekly continual spiritual growth meetings in its different communities, the movement seeks to strengthen the spouses’ commitment to each other as they discover God’s plan for their marriage by offering them practical tools and spirituality. Our main objective is the sanctification of marriage, the fundamental cell of the family, the Church, and society.

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

The Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Ministry offers individuals and parish families the opportunity to commit themselves to at least one hour per month of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is located right across the hall from the Church and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. We believe the Lord honors our commitment to Him in prayer through His constant blessing of our parish ministries. Your parish family needs your prayer commitment.

Prayer Muffin Breakfast Men

Gather a bunch of guys who said they would never, never, never step foot in the Church for fear the roof would cave in. And Guys that have walked this path in the past but have been transformed and discovered their Love for the Lord and sharing with other men their trials and tribulations.

Throw in some coffee, a bagel or maybe even one of those giant bullets some call a Costco muffin; have a different one of them stand up each week (on a volunteer basis) and share just how miserable they have been all their lives (or not); give them all a few minutes to discuss what was said, and get them all out the door within one hour.

That’s Men’s Prayer Muffin! All we do is meet each week. No homework. If you are interested in putting your toe in the water, this is the place.

Prayer Muffin Breakfast Women


Patty Rodriguez

(305) 788-9309

Colleen Barfield

Do you ever look around at Mass and wonder who some of the women are and what is happening in their lives? Well, come join us on Thursday mornings at Mother Mary’s Room near the Family Center or via Zoom from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM precisely (contact below for zoom link).

We read the readings for the coming Sunday, listen to a talk, and share with each other over a cup of coffee and a muffin. Our Ministry has become the hour of the week we spiritually “reset” ourselves as we deal with our own unique lives and share with our sisters of the parish. For more information please contact Patty Rodriguez and/or Colleen Barfield.

Rosario de la Aurora

Cada primer sábado del mes, reza un rosario al amanecer con tu comunidad.

Secular Franciscans Prayer Group

The Secular Franciscan Order is a branch of the worldwide Franciscan Family established by St. Francis of Assisi almost 800 years ago. Our purpose is to bring the gospel to life where we live and where we work. We gather monthly to support one another through the ups and downs of daily life, pray together and take opportunities to learn about our Church, our community and our world.

Our rule mandates us to be involved in apostolic ministries and with youth. Some of us are religious education teachers, have a special ministry to animals, have made a commitment to Perpetual Adoration, work with the poor and homeless, visit the elderly and the sick, and have youth ministries.

Come to a monthly meeting at Saint Louis to learn more.

Seminarios de Vida en el Espíritu

El Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu, se lleva a cabo durante un fin de semana, dos veces al año con el propósito de llevar a las personas a una relación más íntima con Jesús a través del poder del Espíritu Santo.

Está basado en las escrituras y en los dones del Espíritu Santo, que nos permite sanar, crecer y amar más al Señor; esto se realiza mediante charlas y actividades distintas. También nos proporciona la oportunidad de servir en nuestra comunidad, a través del amor que se da en el servicio a los demás. Esté pendiente del boletín parroquial donde se anuncian los Seminarios.

Vocations Commission

The Vocations Commission Ministry is for families to sign up to receive the Vocations chalice, once a week during the weekend Masses to pray for Vocations for priests, lay men, missionaries, etc.