Ministry Directory

Boy Scouts

Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are one of the oldest youth leader ship organizations in the world. St. Louis is fortunate to have an active Cub Scout Pack that feeds into our BSA troop. We teach kids important life skills as well as organizational leadership skills. We show these children the beauty of our natural environment and how to best care for it while we enjoy the treasure that God has given us.

For the first time in our school’s history we now have coed scouting with our first lions den of kindergarten girls. With tremendous support from our church, we are bringing up a new generation of American leaders in our Cub Scout Pack.

Café con leche

Este ministerio se encarga de la compra y venta de alimentos y bebidas tales como: donuts, empanadas, café, gaseosas y otros alimentos, a fin de fomentar la confraternidad entre los feligreses, compartiendo en el “Family Center” después de la Misa dominical vespertina en Español. El café se ofrece gratis, los alimentos y gaseosas se venden a precios módicos, ya que el objetivo principal es el compartir entre los miembros de la comunidad después de la Misa.

Café Saint Louis

Después de la misa de las 9:00 a. m., únase a nosotros para tomar un café en el Family Center.


The Columbiettes are an international organization of Catholic women founded in 1939 as auxiliaries to be affiliated with and support the Knights of Columbus. We are dedicated to service and action within our church and civic communities. We strongly focus on aiding the weak and helpless and promoting Catholic values.

The Columbiettes also promote fraternity and fun activities while serving God and country. St. Louis Columbiette Auxiliary 14730 was started in June of 2010. We meet once a month for a business meeting and have various activities during the year. We also support our Knights of Columbus in their programs. Women may join the Columbiettes if they are at least 18 years of age, and are a practicing Catholic.

Festival for the Poor

The Festival for the Poor is an annual 3 day; 2 night event involving the entire St. Louis family. The festival offers: Friday night “kick-off” dinner, rides, games, live entertainment, ethnic and American food booths, raffles, Gourmet Dinner, Sunday breakfast under the big tent, a Silent Auction, Spring Bazaar, a Car Show, 5K, and more!

The purpose of the event is building community and raising funds for the special needs of the broader community of MiamiDade County. Money raised is distributed among agencies and organizations that see to the needs of “the least of these”.

All parishioners are invited to be an active, integral part of this work of love and dedication. As the time draws near, details are published in the parish bulletin and in the Rotunda.

Health Awareness

The mission of the St. Louis Catholic Church Health Ministry is to strengthen our walk with Jesus Christ through increasing our knowledge and awareness of the greatness of His temple the human body.

To increase our knowledge regarding the aspects of health by improving our spiritual, physical, emotional and chemical actions. To provide a network of spiritual minded health providers and lay people that will provide support and knowledge toward making healthy decisions.

Ministerio de la Salud y Deporte

El Ministerio de Salud y Deporte busca crear oportunidades de compañerismo a través del ejercicio y actividades de bienestar.

Así como nuestras almas están llamadas a alimentarse, nuestro ministerio se enfoca en nuestros cuerpos, el templo de nuestras almas. ¡Le ofrecemos lo que sabemos y amamos, brindándole una combinación de eventos deportivos y de salud durante todo el año para mantener una vida en semejanza a Jesus.

El Ministerio de la Salud y el Deporte tiene el propósito de educar y empoderar a la comunidad para que tenga un estilo de vida saludable basado en saber que nuestros cuerpos son la casa del Espíritu Santo. Y es nuestra responsabilidad mantener el templo de la mejor manera posible, para que podamos cumplir el propósito de nuestras vidas como Dios nuestro Padre lo quiere.

Lideramos diferentes actividades como el 5k del Festival de los pobres.

Realizamos un entrenamiento físico semanal los lunes a las 8 am meses antes en preparación para el 5K promoviéndo la actividad física.

Stewardship Council

Our Parish Stewardship Council is comprised of parishioners who are dedicated Stewards. Their function is to share the Gospel meaning of stewardship and help spread the practice of stewardship to every home in the Parish. The Stewardship Council assists and enhances Ministries in the Parish.

They coordinate all Stewardship activities for the year on an ongoing basis. There are two other Divisions of our Stewardship Ministry. Our New Parishioner Welcome Program and our Parish Welcome Table. These operate independently; but are part of our Stewardship Ministry. The members of our Stewardship Council must have the necessary time and be available to help in every way they can, including assisting and directing Stewardship functions on weekends at Masses. Meetings are held monthly or as needed throughout the year.

“Stewardship is a way of Life”

Welcome Table

The Welcome Table is set up in the narthex at each Sunday Liturgy to provide some information about St. Louis Catholic Church, answer questions and/or register new parishioners. We also encourage people to get involved by offering the ministry booklets, the ministry list and the form to indicate a ministry they might like to join.